Tungusic$530063$ - traduzione in olandese
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Tungusic$530063$ - traduzione in olandese

Manchu-Tungus languages; Tungusic language; Manchu-Tungus; Tungus Languages; Northern Tungusic; Southern Tungusic; Southern Tungusic languages; Northern Tungusic languages; Southwestern Tungusic languages; Southeastern Tungusic languages; Southeastern Tungusic; Southwestern Tungusic; Evenki languages; Tungus languages; Tungusic Languages; ISO 639:tuw; Tungus-Manchu languages; Proto-Tungusic; Tungusic language family; List of Tungusic languages; Proto-Tungusic language; History of the Tungusic languages; Classification of the Tungusic languages

n. familie van talen gesproken in noordelijke gebieden van Republiek China, Mongolië en naburige streken


¦ noun a small family of Altaic languages of Siberia and northern China.


Tungusic languages

The Tungusic languages (also known as Manchu-Tungus and Tungus) form a language family spoken in Eastern Siberia and Manchuria by Tungusic peoples. Many Tungusic languages are endangered. There are approximately 75,000 native speakers of the dozen living languages of the Tungusic language family. Some linguists consider Tungusic to be part of the controversial Altaic language family, along with Turkic, Mongolic, and sometimes Koreanic and Japonic.

The term "Tungusic" is from an exonym for the Evenk people (Ewenki) used by the Yakuts ("tongus"). It was borrowed into Russian as "тунгус", and ultimately transliterated into English as "Tungus".